Sunday, February 20, 2022

Comic Books For Kids

A comic book can make a cool birthday party gift for the guest of honor and their party friends as well. One of my affiliates has put together a set of comic books, especially for kids age 4 and up that I would like to share with you, Mrs. or Mr. Party Planner. In addition to this collection of children's comic books for your little girl are also all of your little boy's favorite superheroes that are bound to blend well with any superhero party theme. 

Like their favorite superhero movies, comic books can provide a great way to promote reading on a long journey, or as a break from schoolwork. When I was young, I was gifted my older brother's collection of comic books and was so excited by the technology and science in them I grew up wanting to learn about the magic of electronics and robotics. The biggest takeaway from reading comic books to me was that in a way comic books showed me how important my worst subject in school, mathematics, was.

The curiosity generated by my comic book reading is what drove me to explore the field of electronics which led to a thirty-five-plus-year job in High Energy Physics at Stanford University. To this day I still enjoy designing electronic circuits on paper using the math I learned to make sure they worked before building the real thing just like the scientific geniuses did in the comic books I used to read. I am living proof that comic books can fire the imagination in a positive direction.

When it comes to comic books for kids, I am not prepared to say that all comic books are good for kids, I hope that the collection offered by my affiliate will offer just as much proof that not all comic books are bad for kids. Unfortunately, for me when my mom gave me birthday parties, or when I attended a birthday party of a friend, comic books were not one of the party favors. Talk about someone whose mind would have been blown if comic books were a part of the birthday party, to say the younger me would have been excited would be an understatement!

Whether your child dreams of one day working on earth-shattering experiments like I used to, or she or he, dreams of unicorns, your job as the party planner is to make it all happen and my job, after retiring from earth-shattering, is to try to make your party planning job easier.

For the Party Planner

  Are you planning a fun party for your kids? The Kid's Party Blog has everything you need! We have amazing coloring and activity books ...