Thursday, April 25, 2024

Kids Coloring and Activity Books

My Canva original art

Coloring books, Kid's activity books, and ready to be packed with action, Kid's adventure books can all be found here. Books for age 3 years and up, for boys and girls that all equal hours in inspirational artistic express on for kids. Why are activity books good for kids?  Activity books are a great way to improve a child's concentration, while at the same time increase a their attention span which can enhance a child's ability to focus. Activity books help promote a hands on understanding of different concepts into bite-size, non-complicated, task that can be completed in a matter of minutes.

Children's coloring and activity books play an important role in early development and foster creativity and imagination. These books provide a canvas for young minds to explore, experiment and express themselves through coloring, drawing, and other engaging activities. By engaging in colors, shapes, and patterns children develop fine motor skills and hand eye coordination, laying the groundwork that can create a solid foundation for future academic success. Coloring and activity books are also a platform for kids to learn about various subjects from animals and nature to shapes, letters, and numbers, in an enjoyable and interactive way.

As children progress to preschool, and kindergarten activity books, even some comic books that encourage problem solving, critical thinking, and creativity become invaluable tools for cognitive development. The activity book we create for kids often include puzzles, mazes, matching games and simple crafts that challenge young minds, fire up young imaginations, and promote logical reasoning and spatial awareness. Additionally, books that incorporate storytelling and narrative elements like my kid's adventure book, for kids to create their own images and tell their own adventure stories can enhance language development, and literacy skills in young children.

The adventure book offers space at the top of the page for drawing, or to past artwork and the bottom part of the page allows a young imagination to tell their own stories giving them the chance to engage characters, plot, and themes that can not only strengthens their comprehension abilities but also fosters a love of reading and storytelling from and early age. Overall children's coloring and activity books offer a multifaceted approach to learning and development serving as an invaluable resource for nurturing young minds and igniting a life long passion for exploration and discovery.

Friday, September 22, 2023

The Art of Good Parenting: Raising Good Kids


My original Canva image

Parenting is a journey like no other, one that comes with its fair share of challenges and joys. While there's no one-size-fits-all manual for being a perfect parent, there is an art to good parenting that can greatly influence the development of your children. In this blog post, we will explore the key aspects of good parenting and how they contribute to raising good, well-rounded kids. 

 1. Unconditional Love and Support 

 At the core of good parenting is unconditional love and support. Children need to know that their parents love them, regardless of their successes or failures. When children feel secure in their parents' love, they develop higher self-esteem and are more likely to exhibit empathy and kindness towards others. Providing a safe and loving environment fosters emotional stability and helps children build healthy relationships throughout their lives. 

 2. Setting Clear Boundaries and Expectations 

Good parenting involves setting clear boundaries and expectations for your children. These boundaries provide a sense of structure and discipline, helping children understand what is acceptable behavior and what is not. Consistency in enforcing these rules is crucial. When children know the limits and consequences, they learn responsibility and respect for authority, both essential traits for good citizenship. 

3. Effective Communication 

 Effective communication is key to a healthy parent-child relationship. Good parents listen to their children, validate their feelings, and engage in open, honest conversations. Encouraging your kids to express themselves fosters their emotional intelligence, teaching them how to communicate effectively with others and handle conflicts in a constructive manner. 

4. Leading by Example 

Children often learn by observing the behavior of their parents. Being a good role model is essential to raising good kids. Whether it's demonstrating kindness, respect, or resilience in the face of challenges, your actions speak louder than words. When parents exhibit the qualities they want their children to emulate, it creates a positive influence that shapes their values and character. 

5. Nurturing Independence and Resilience 

Good parenting involves striking a balance between nurturing and allowing independence. Encouraging your children to explore, make decisions, and learn from their mistakes builds resilience and self-reliance. When kids develop these qualities, they are better equipped to face life's challenges with confidence, adaptability, and a positive outlook. 

In conclusion, the art of good parenting is not about perfection but about creating an environment where children can thrive and develop into good, well-rounded individuals. Unconditional love, clear boundaries, effective communication, leading by example, and nurturing independence are all integral components of being a good parent. 

When parents embody these principles, they contribute to the upbringing of children who exhibit kindness, empathy, responsibility, and resilience – qualities that pave the way for a brighter future for them and society as a whole.

Monday, August 28, 2023

Super Parenting

My Canva Art


Hey hey, all you future Super Parents! Are you ready for a super-duper journey into the world of raising an amazing Super Kid and a super awesome human being? Buckle up, because being a Super Parent means you're in for a wild ride filled with joy, discovery, and plenty of high-fives! First things first, being a Super Parent isn't about flying through the sky or lifting cars. Nope, it's about using your heart power to guide your Super Kid to greatness. 

Just like superheroes have sidekicks, you'll be your kid's trusty sidekick, helping them learn, grow, and conquer challenges. Picture this: You're like a master explorer, showing your Super Kid all the wonders of the world, from fascinating bugs in the backyard to incredible stories in books. A super-duper part of being a Super Parent is teaching your Super Kid about kindness and empathy. It's like handing them a magical mirror that shows them how their actions can make the world a better place. You'll have chats about sharing, helping others, and spreading smiles like confetti. And don't forget, you get to sprinkle a little bit of fun into every lesson! Now, let's talk about the importance of super communication. 

Just like superheroes have secret codes, you and your Super Kid will develop your own special way of talking and listening. You'll be the go-to person for giggles, heart-to-hearts, and even those tricky conversations about big stuff. Super Parents know that talking openly helps their Super Kids become super smart about life. Oh, and guess what? Being a Super Parent also means being a master of super organization. You'll help your Super Kid manage schoolwork, hobbies, and playtime adventures. But don't worry, it's not all serious stuff! You'll also make time for crazy dance parties, silly dress-up days, and building epic blanket forts. So there you have it, future Super Parents! 

Being a Super Parent means filling your days with love, laughter, and life lessons that will help your Super Kid shine bright in this big ol' world. Get ready to unleash your superpowers of patience, kindness, communication, organization, and fun – because you're about to embark on the most incredible journey of raising a Super Kid and an extraordinary human being!

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Create your own children's book


Create your own children's book, free. Make your child's story into a book or collection of story books. You can even develop and have printed for you other book ideas too.

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Comic Books For Kids

A comic book can make a cool birthday party gift for the guest of honor and their party friends as well. One of my affiliates has put together a set of comic books, especially for kids age 4 and up that I would like to share with you, Mrs. or Mr. Party Planner. In addition to this collection of children's comic books for your little girl are also all of your little boy's favorite superheroes that are bound to blend well with any superhero party theme. 

Like their favorite superhero movies, comic books can provide a great way to promote reading on a long journey, or as a break from schoolwork. When I was young, I was gifted my older brother's collection of comic books and was so excited by the technology and science in them I grew up wanting to learn about the magic of electronics and robotics. The biggest takeaway from reading comic books to me was that in a way comic books showed me how important my worst subject in school, mathematics, was.

The curiosity generated by my comic book reading is what drove me to explore the field of electronics which led to a thirty-five-plus-year job in High Energy Physics at Stanford University. To this day I still enjoy designing electronic circuits on paper using the math I learned to make sure they worked before building the real thing just like the scientific geniuses did in the comic books I used to read. I am living proof that comic books can fire the imagination in a positive direction.

When it comes to comic books for kids, I am not prepared to say that all comic books are good for kids, I hope that the collection offered by my affiliate will offer just as much proof that not all comic books are bad for kids. Unfortunately, for me when my mom gave me birthday parties, or when I attended a birthday party of a friend, comic books were not one of the party favors. Talk about someone whose mind would have been blown if comic books were a part of the birthday party, to say the younger me would have been excited would be an understatement!

Whether your child dreams of one day working on earth-shattering experiments like I used to, or she or he, dreams of unicorns, your job as the party planner is to make it all happen and my job, after retiring from earth-shattering, is to try to make your party planning job easier.

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Charlie Brown, Peanuts theme birthday part

Snoopy, Charlie Brown, and the rest of the Peanuts comic strip gang are the stars of this post for their birthday party decorating possibilities! The entire wholesome, lovable cast of characters is featured on these Peanut comic strip invitations, posters, and banners for your next birthday party celebration.

You'll find greeting cards, invitations, Peanut comic strip party plates, luggage tags, and t-shirts everything you need to decorate and invite Charlie Brown, Peanuts comic strip style. Treat your party guest to images of Lucy and her 5 cent Psychiatry booth, the little dirt magnet Pig Pen, or Linus and his fateful security blanket. All of your favorite Peanuts character images are featured independently and in a group on dozens of different birthday party decorating ideas. 

For a little boy that has been known of since the late 1940's when his name was first mentioned in a super early Schulz comic strip, title Lil' Folks, finally making his debut in a Peanuts comic strip in 1950, Charlie Brown, and his Peanut's Comic Strip pals have become an American favorite, loved by many different generations of kids. So, it should come as no surprise that so many different people still want to party with any and all of these recognizable characters.


Charlie Brown has matured a little over the years from the first age I ever saw listed for him, (4 years old). Over the decades I believe Charlie Brown has reached the age of 8. His dog Snoopy and the rest of the Peanut's Gang are ready to generate smiles on the faces of the guest of honor and party guest. Just about all of the Peanuts comic strip items you will see from my Zazzle affiliate party location can be customized with a name, personal message, or your organization's name/logo.

So, if you're thinking about party planning, or it's your job to come up with this year's party decoration ideas; think about decorating your party with one of America's most lovable blockheads and the rest of his Peanuts comic strip friends.

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Hosting a Virtual Birthday Party for Kids

 A virtual birthday party celebration for your little one is the perfect way to share their special day celebration with friends and family near and far. Due to Covid-19 celebrating a birthday party for your child in the traditional way carries some safety concerns for your child and others. So I say if you have such concerns why not use today's technology and still make your child's special day an extra day to remember?

Since there are more than a few different video-calling platforms available start by picking the video-calling platform you like and feel comfortable with. The different face-time providers have different participant limits some as low as 8 participants (Facebook Messenger) and others like Face Time allow up to 32 participants. Explore video chat apps like Bunch, Air Time, Instagram, and Facebook Messenger Rooms, whoever you choose do a little research on them (google it) even give the platform you choose a test drive by trying out the virtual provider yourself.

Once that's done it's time to start thinking about sending out invitations to the names on your guest list.  Use e-invites to reach the parents of the children on your electronic invitation list and do your best to explain the virtual concept to anyone not totally clear about a virtual birthday party idea. 

Choose a theme, if that idea appeals to you, decide on party decorations, and set up a loose schedule. Choose a craft or activity that can be completed by virtual party guests while video chatting. Be sure to give the other parents a heads-up about what supplies will be needed in advance. Depending on the size of the virtual part crowd you're expecting you can also safely hand-deliver or send out party crafts or supplies to each virtual attendee.

iPhone Cases

Since many of your child's favorite superheroes, fairy tale creatures, and princesses have turned to technology to keep them safe, and active, during these shelter-in-place days. And, also have access to the internet in their kingdoms and secret hideouts. Given enough warning, (and a costume if needed) it is totally possible to have your child's favorite character make a virtual appearance in your virtual party setting, on your child's special day.  Decide on a gift, and for goodness sake don't forget to sing happy birthday!

Another good virtual activity is sharing favorite YouTube videos or watching a movie as a group. Of course, the guest of honor gets to choose the movie on a streaming platform like Netflix Party all of the virtual party goers will be able to enjoy a motion picture together and at the end, after the credit roll, chat with each other about their favorite parts of the movie. Consider dropping off small packages filled with a juice box, popcorn, or another fun movie snack if the attendees live close enough to where you are or suggest these items when letting the other parents know what will be needed beforehand.


My favorite is a game of virtual Bingo Tabletopia is a platform that offers over 800 different board games to choose from. It's a good idea to choose, or have your child choose a few games in advance to avoid spending a large part of your virtual time browsing all of the available options.

Bring out the birthday cake, encourage your child to make a wish, and blow out the candles. Keep an eye on the clock and do your best to stick to your virtual birthday party agenda. The Goal as always is to make sure your little birthday bundle of joy feels special and safe. 

Kids Coloring and Activity Books

Coloring books, Kid's activity books, and ready to be packed with action, Kid's adventure books can all be found here. Books for age...